【Stable Diffusion】Hentai Diffusion 20の利用方法

【Stable Diffusion】Hentai Diffusion 20の利用方法 機械学習

「Hentai Diffusion 19と20の違いがわからない・・・」
「Hentai Diffusion 20はどこがどう変わったの?」

この記事では、Hentai Diffusion 20を利用する方法を解説しています。


  • Hentai Diffusion 20とは?
  • Hentai Diffusion 20の利用方法
  • Hentai Diffusion 20の動作検証


Hentai Diffusion 20とは?

Hentai Diffusion 20が、2023年1月21日に公開されました。
2023年1月初旬にHentai Diffusion 19が公開されています。

Hentai Diffusionシリーズは、19から大きく路線変更しています。


そのレベルアップを示すモノとして、Hentai Diffusion 20ではEmbedsが採用されています。
Textual Inversionと表現した方が、わかりやすいかもしれません。



以上、Hentai Diffusion 20について説明しました。
次は、Hentai Diffusion 20の利用方法を説明します。

Hentai Diffusion 20の利用方法



上記ファイルは、Hugging Faceのページでも公開されています。


  • Stable Diffusion web UI(AUTOMATIC1111版)
  • Diffusers

Stable Diffusion web UI(AUTOMATIC1111版)


「HD-20.ckpt」は、Stable Diffusion v1-5ベースです。

設置して反映できたら、Hentai Diffusion 20が利用可能になります。


まずは、Stable Diffusionを動かせることが前提となります。




python convert_diffusers20_original_sd.py ..\..\ckpt\HD-20.ckpt ..\..\model\HD-20   --v1 --reference_model runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5


from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline, EulerAncestralDiscreteScheduler
import torch

MODEL_ID = "./model/HD-20"
DEVICE = "cuda"
SEED = 1089107484

pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(MODEL_ID, custom_pipeline="lpw_stable_diffusion")
pipe.scheduler = EulerAncestralDiscreteScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config)
pipe = pipe.to(DEVICE)

prompt = "best quality, {{{nsfw}}}, {{{masterpiece}}}, 1girl, monika \(doki doki literature club\, (breasts:0.984), (brown hair:0.989), (cleavage:0.586), (collarbone:0.746), (eyebrows visible through hair:0.732), (green eyes:0.944), (long hair:0.982), (ponytail:0.741), winter clothes, winter coat, portrait, from side"
negative_prompt = "(((deformed))), blurry, bad anatomy, disfigured, poorly drawn face, mutation, mutated, (extra_limb), (ugly), (poorly drawn hands), fused fingers, messy drawing, broken legs censor, censored, censor_bar, multiple breasts, (mutated hands and fingers:1.5), (long body :1.3), (mutation, poorly drawn :1.2), black-white, bad anatomy, liquid body, liquidtongue, disfigured, malformed, mutated, anatomical nonsense, text font ui, error, malformed hands, long neck, blurred, lowers, low res, bad anatomy, bad proportions, bad shadow, uncoordinated body, unnatural body, fused breasts, bad breasts, huge breasts, poorly drawn breasts, extra breasts, liquid breasts, heavy breasts, missingbreasts, huge haunch, huge thighs, huge calf, bad hands, fused hand, missing hand, disappearing arms, disappearing thigh, disappearing calf, disappearing legs, fusedears, bad ears, poorly drawn ears, extra ears, liquid ears, heavy ears, missing ears, fused animal ears, bad animal ears, poorly drawn animal ears, extra animal ears, liquidanimal ears, heavy animal ears, missing animal ears, text, ui, error, missing fingers, missing limb, fused fingers, one hand with more than 5 fingers, one hand with less than5 fingers, one hand with more than 5 digit, one hand with less than 5 digit, extra digit, fewer digits, fused digit, missing digit, bad digit, liquid digit, colorful tongue, blacktongue, cropped, watermark, username, blurry, JPEG artifacts, signature, 3D, 3D game, 3D game scene, 3D character, malformed feet, extra feet, bad feet, poorly drawnfeet, fused feet, missing feet, extra shoes, bad shoes, fused shoes, more than two shoes, poorly drawn shoes, bad gloves, poorly drawn gloves, fused gloves, bad cum, poorly drawn cum, fused cum, bad hairs, poorly drawn hairs, fused hairs, big muscles, ugly, bad face, fused face, poorly drawn face, cloned face, big face, long face, badeyes, fused eyes poorly drawn eyes, extra eyes, malformed limbs, more than 2 nipples, missing nipples, different nipples, fused nipples, bad nipples, poorly drawnnipples, black nipples, colorful nipples, gross proportions. short arm, (((missing arms))), missing thighs, missing calf, missing legs, mutation, duplicate, morbid, mutilated, poorly drawn hands, more than 1 left hand, more than 1 right hand, deformed, (blurry), disfigured, missing legs, extra arms, extra thighs, more than 2 thighs, extra calf,fused calf, extra legs, bad knee, extra knee, more than 2 legs, bad tails, bad mouth, fused mouth, poorly drawn mouth, bad tongue, tongue within mouth, too longtongue, black tongue, big mouth, cracked mouth, bad mouth, dirty face, dirty teeth, dirty pantie, fused pantie, poorly drawn pantie, fused cloth, poorly drawn cloth, badpantie, yellow teeth, thick lips, bad camel toe, colorful camel toe, bad asshole, poorly drawn asshole, fused asshole, missing asshole, bad anus, bad pussy, bad crotch, badcrotch seam, fused anus, fused pussy, fused anus, fused crotch, poorly drawn crotch, fused seam, poorly drawn anus, poorly drawn pussy, poorly drawn crotch, poorlydrawn crotch seam, bad thigh gap, missing thigh gap, fused thigh gap, liquid thigh gap, poorly drawn thigh gap, poorly drawn anus, bad collarbone, fused collarbone, missing collarbone, liquid collarbone, strong girl, obesity, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, liquid tentacles, bad tentacles, poorly drawn tentacles, split tentacles, fused tentacles, missing clit, bad clit, fused clit, colorful clit, black clit, liquid clit, QR code, bar code, censored, safety panties, safety knickers, beard, furry, pony, pubic hair, mosaic, futa, testis, (((deformed))), blurry, bad anatomy, disfigured, poorly drawn face, mutation, mutated, (extra_limb), (ugly), (poorly drawn hands), fused fingers, messy drawing, broken legs censor, censored, censor_bar, multiple breasts, (mutated hands and fingers:1.5), (long body :1.3), (mutation, poorly drawn :1.2), black-white, bad anatomy, liquid body, liquidtongue, disfigured, malformed, mutated, anatomical nonsense, text font ui, error, malformed hands, long neck, blurred, lowers, low res, bad anatomy, bad proportions, bad shadow, uncoordinated body, unnatural body, fused breasts, bad breasts, huge breasts, poorly drawn breasts, extra breasts, liquid breasts, heavy breasts, missingbreasts, huge haunch, huge thighs, huge calf, bad hands, fused hand, missing hand, disappearing arms, disappearing thigh, disappearing calf, disappearing legs, fusedears, bad ears, poorly drawn ears, extra ears, liquid ears, heavy ears, missing ears, fused animal ears, bad animal ears, poorly drawn animal ears, extra animal ears, liquidanimal ears, heavy animal ears, missing animal ears, text, ui, error, missing fingers, missing limb, fused fingers, one hand with more than 5 fingers, one hand with less than5 fingers, one hand with more than 5 digit, one hand with less than 5 digit, extra digit, fewer digits, fused digit, missing digit, bad digit, liquid digit, colorful tongue, blacktongue, cropped, watermark, username, blurry, JPEG artifacts, signature, 3D, 3D game, 3D game scene, 3D character, malformed feet, extra feet, bad feet, poorly drawnfeet, fused feet, missing feet, extra shoes, bad shoes, fused shoes, more than two shoes, poorly drawn shoes, bad gloves, poorly drawn gloves, fused gloves, bad cum, poorly drawn cum, fused cum, bad hairs, poorly drawn hairs, fused hairs, big muscles, ugly, bad face, fused face, poorly drawn face, cloned face, big face, long face, badeyes, fused eyes poorly drawn eyes, extra eyes, malformed limbs, more than 2 nipples, missing nipples, different nipples, fused nipples, bad nipples, poorly drawnnipples, black nipples, colorful nipples, gross proportions. short arm, (((missing arms))), missing thighs, missing calf, missing legs, mutation, duplicate, morbid, mutilated, poorly drawn hands, more than 1 left hand, more than 1 right hand, deformed, (blurry), disfigured, missing legs, extra arms, extra thighs, more than 2 thighs, extra calf,fused calf, extra legs, bad knee, extra knee, more than 2 legs, bad tails, bad mouth, fused mouth, poorly drawn mouth, bad tongue, tongue within mouth, too longtongue, black tongue, big mouth, cracked mouth, bad mouth, dirty face, dirty teeth, dirty pantie, fused pantie, poorly drawn pantie, fused cloth, poorly drawn cloth, badpantie, yellow teeth, thick lips, bad camel toe, colorful camel toe, bad asshole, poorly drawn asshole, fused asshole, missing asshole, bad anus, bad pussy, bad crotch, badcrotch seam, fused anus, fused pussy, fused anus, fused crotch, poorly drawn crotch, fused seam, poorly drawn anus, poorly drawn pussy, poorly drawn crotch, poorlydrawn crotch seam, bad thigh gap, missing thigh gap, fused thigh gap, liquid thigh gap, poorly drawn thigh gap, poorly drawn anus, bad collarbone, fused collarbone, missing collarbone, liquid collarbone, strong girl, obesity, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, liquid tentacles, bad tentacles, poorly drawn tentacles, split tentacles, fused tentacles, missing clit, bad clit, fused clit, colorful clit, black clit, liquid clit, QR code, bar code, censored, safety panties, safety knickers, beard, furry, pony, pubic hair, mosaic, futa, testis"

# seed固定
generator = torch.Generator(device=DEVICE).manual_seed(SEED)

image = pipe(



Hentai Diffusion 19で利用したコードを流用しています。



以上、Hentai Diffusion 20の利用方法を説明しました。
次は、Hentai Diffusion 20の動作検証を説明します。

Hentai Diffusion 20の動作検証

左からHentai Diffusion18,19,20で生成した画像になります。




他にも変化はあるでしょうが、Hentai Diffusion 20ではEmbedsが新たに取り入れられています。


そして、Stable Diffusion web UI(AUTOMATIC1111版)の指定ディレクトリにそれらを設置します。

web UIの起動時コンソールに次のように表示されれば、読み込みOK。


best quality, {{{masterpiece}}}, 1girl, perfect body, leaf hair, black turtleneck, autumn background, a short white skirt, standing

スタイルを適用させるには、プロンプト末尾に「, A1」、「, A2」、「, A3」、「, A4」を追加します。



以上、Hentai Diffusion 20の動作検証を説明しました。
